Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Let's try this AGAIN!!!!!

Okay, so sorry to post without pictures, I know how annoying that is, I really do, but unfortunately I am not smart or capable enough to figure out the new camera we got for Christmas (a family present that really belongs to Josias since the rest of us are technologically handicapped)! But the real reason I wanted to write this post was to tell everyone that the absolute best Christmas present our family received was finding out that we are EXPECTING number THREE!!!! We are soooo sooooo sooooo excited! As you know, we had been trying for a long, long time to get pregnant and after stopping running, putting on weight, six months of hormone therapy and not exercising DIDN'T work, the doctor finally tried Clomid and BADA-BING we got prenant! ( I just wish we had done that first, ya know? I mean jeeeeeezzzzz!), but only Heavenly Father knows the right time!!!!! I think that He also completely erases my memories from the previous two pregnancies so that I will continue to procreate, because I'll be honest here....if I still had those memories I would have been done with the first and running to the hills to escape the temptation to ever "be" with my husband again!!! J/K, probably too much information there, huh? Anyways, we are due at the beginning of August and even though I'm past the 12 week mark I am still extremely sick, but that's how it was with the other two as well! It's still totally worth it and me and Josias cannot WAIT to add another little one to the amazing two we have now, we couldn't be happier (and sicker)...blessings, blessings, blessings....(this is what I say to myself ALL DAY....it actually works....sometimes)!!!!! J/K


Lynette said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is soo exciting...I'm so happy for you!

Melissa said...


Anna said...

YAY!! Im so happy for you guys! COngrats!! I tried calling you a few times last week, I'll try again soon or you can call me! We need to catch up!
Miss you guys!

Alycia said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations - I was so excited to see an update on your blog:) Good luck with everything - I hope you feel better soon! I love what you said about forgetting about how "fun" everything can be with being pregnant and having a baby - we're still in the phase of "why do people have more than one???" j/k it's not that bad, but boy has it changed our lives!!

The Wehrmeister's said...

Congratulations! That is exciting. I'm sorry you have been sick. By the way It's Jennifer (Autry).

Post more pictures soon!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you. I know you have waited and worked for this little one. I am sorry you have been sick. That is never fun. If you cone to visit family up here just let me know and I'll kidnap you for a day and watch your kids, make you take a nap and fix all of your meals.

Congratz again!!!



Becky said...

I love your stinkin' guts! Congrats! And by the way, if you don't check my blog again to see...it was JON updating my Facebook status. How Holy Crazy would I be to do that? No, not me. I was in bed wishing I had called to get my epidural two seconds sooner so I wouldn't have to wait for the other lady to get her's first. No glippity gloppity way am I that obsessed with facebook. Heck no. Everyone can just wait their little tooshies to find out about the baby, but jon needed something to do so he updated and blogged. I just sailed through the best delivery of my life and then cuddled with this little bundle of lovely joy. She's so so sweet. I hate putting her down...I don't want to ever be pregnant again, but seeing her...oh they're just so precious. It's so so so worth it. Good luck with everything. I hope you get better sooner than last time. I hope this baby(s) know what an amazing mommy they have.
I love you!

Lyndsay Detro said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you guys. Isn't it funny how life works out.

Anyway, remember me ... your roommate Lyndsay (Peper). It's been awhile. You're family is beautiful!!

Stacy said...

Congratulations to both of you!! Max was also a Chlomid baby (after 7 Chlomid treatments he decided he wanted to be here) and I think that it made me more sick than with Davis. I was sick long past the 12 week mark too. So, so worth it though! Is it just one, or are there two? My doctor told us that Clomid increases the chance of twins by 85% - YIKES!

Candi said...

Yea! Great news! So when I talked with you in December, did you know you were pregnant? I am so glad Clomid worked for ya. Hang in there with the sickness, hopefully you are on the latter end of that phase! It is all worth it cause there is a prize at the end!

Emily said...

Yay! Laura - we are so excited for you guys! Congratulations - that is the best Christmas Present!

Brad, Briene and Brayden said...

Congratulations!! I didn't know that you were back to blogging again. I can't believe you are pregnant YAY YAY YAY! I couldn't be happier for you guys. Good luck with the sickness it's no fun at all. Love you tons.

Barnes Blog said...

That is so exciting! Although the thought of being pregnant makes me sick, I am super excited for you guys. We just had our little girl, Elle. She is so sweet we love her so much. If I had more sleep I'd probably love her even more...does that make me a bad mom?
I can't wait to see some pictures of you and your family. When do you find out what you are having? and do you know if there is more than one? My friend just had twins from clomid. FUN FUN FUN!

Rick and Collette said...

Congratulations!! Yea we are so excited for you guys. This is Collette and Rick from the old Josephson apartment days. We are also in Arizona, phoenix area. If you ever come done we it would be fun to hang out. Hope all goes well with the pregnancy.


Camille said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting, I think if we weren't able to block all the "bad" things about pregnancy we'd never do it again. Good luck!

Jen said...

Yay! I am SO SO SO happy for you! I am so sorry you are sick. I wish I was there to help...I would take your kids and make you dinner, and clean up your barf, if I needed to. Is that a true friend or what? I am really happy for you! Please keep the posts coming so I can feel like I get to be a part of this. Ellis' birthday is August 6th, so maybe he can have a friend on his birthday! :) I love you Laura!

Laura said...

Yay I love those little "Losias" babies!!! I'm so happy! Call if you need anything my tubby butt is happy to help!! Love you!

Mike Steph Brooklyn and Carter said...

Yay I am so excited for you guys!!! I know how much you have wanted this and what blessing it is! Can't wait to see another beautiful baby in that sweet family of yours, CONGRATS!!!

ecuakim said...

Congratulations! Wonderful wonderful news.