Saturday, December 15, 2007


Josias, We are sooo, soooo, soooo proud of you!!!! "Congratulations" doesn't even come close to what I want to say to you! I am so proud of you, you have worked so very, very hard for our family and we love and appreciate all of your hard work so very much! Can you believe we finally graduated people?!? I would have never thought that six and 1/2 years after I graduated my husband would be graduating!! (that's what you get for marrying a younger man!) Even though it took a while, it has definitely been worth it and we have been so blessed and so happy through all of this! I want my sweet husband to know how much I love him and how proud I am of him! You are a wonderful example to me and our children and I can't imagine a better or happier life! I LOVE YOU!!!!


Jen said...

HOoray for Poppy! I showed KEnnedy these pics and she said, "Oh, Poppy!!!" I am glad my dad made the cut too! :) COngrats!

Jon and Becky said...

Joser! Congrats! We're proud of you here in MO too...yes, we still exist, in this frozen-over land of dreams. And your family picture, with all of the Campbell's plus Josias's sister is so so cute! It was so good to see everybody! Spencer is not that big fella on the left! No flippin' way that handsome man is little Spencer. I won't believe it. Never. He's still 10 years old and he always will be.

Jon and Becky said...

I just realized that Megan's not in the picture!! Was she the one taking it or did you guys not allow her to come?

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! That is a wonderful accomplishment. So what are the big plans now? Are you still going to be in Utah at Christmas time? If so we have to get together!

Congratulations again!


Anna said...

YAY for graduating!!! We will mess you guys over the next couple of weeks! Have a great christmas and we will see you next year!

solarlove said...

Meagan had to work unfortunately, I will post some pictures later of the entire Campbell clan the next day!

Laura said...

Congratulations!! That is so fantastic! The Smiths are proud of Josias too! :) Well you be home for Chirstmas? We should get together!!

Camille said...

Wow, congratulations! That is such a great accomplishment!

Morgan said...

WAHOO!!! YEAh for you guys! Have a great time on your cruise!

♥ Natalie said...

Congrats, Josias!!! The much anticipated day has finally come - and I bet you are all so proud, happy, and excited for whatever new adventures you are now going to embark on. Way to go! Cruise? Lucky!!! Are you guys comin' for Christmas? Call us if you are - we'd love to see your family. Snappy coat, Laura - love it!

Alycia said...

Hi Laura!! I found your blog on Tiffany's site:) Your family is so cute!! I totally know how you feel about the graduation thing - Tyson will graduate in May and we're SO excited! Now that he's graduated - what's next for you guys??

Jen said...

I did get your message and I called for you, so you should FOR SURE get your money back. I am going to call and be sure they got my message, so you are all set. I miss you. Have fun on the cruise and LET ME HELP YOU WHEN YOU GET BACK!

Call family said...

Josias is a rock star graduating so quick and with top honors!!! You are G R E A T yeah Yeah
G R E A T!!!!!